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Is The USA in F*cking Retrograde or Something?

Jo Figueras

Like so many of you, I am disappointed by the outcome of the recent presidential election. 

And while the socials are filled with an abundance of skilled and knowledgeable astrologers and intuitives who predicted Harris would win based on her birth chart and their visions, channels and psychic abilities - ultimately she conceded.

But there are other energies at play and all we can do is wait...

So until then, I want to talk about an aspect of the election outcome that can help shed some insight, even if it doesn’t provide any sort of “comfort”.


Not just for the United States, but also for the world?

Maybe - in this 29th degree of Pluto in Capricorn - we have one last test before Pluto in Aquarius moves in.

If you know anything about the coming 20-year transit, you know Aquarius is a sign of revolution, innovation, and the collective. You also know Aquarius ushers in a new era of transformation that will redefine power structures to support compassion, equality and freedom. 

But Pluto also destroys.

Not for the sake of destruction, but for the sake of rebirth and transformation. That can be tricky work.  Like The Tower card in the tarot, structures built on instability will eventually fall and must be rebuilt on sturdier foundations.

Currently the work of Pluto Capricorn is almost done, but our transformation is nowhere near complete.


While the cloak around toxic masculinity has been lifted in recent years, “powerful” men are still not being held accountable for their crimes and misconduct.

(But can I just say how enjoyable it’s been watching the recent doxing of that Incel little b*tch Nick Fuentes for his trashy “your body, my choice forever” commentary. In his case I can’t say there were no consequences - he went into hiding in his mommy’s basement.)

I joyfully digress…

So as reproductive rights are stripped from American women, patriarchal oppression has intensified across the country. Sadly, American Democracy has never meant equality. This has always been the missing ingredient - the belief that all citizens are of equal value, even if they aren't of equal voice.

So as we prepare for Pluto to exit Capricorn, I think many of us were hoping its move into Aquarius would usher in a new era where love and hope wins, kicked off by a Harris presidency. And while hope eventually WILL win out, there is still work to be done to be free of supremacist, misogynistic, and oppressive systems and ideologies.

So while we dearly hoped to see Harris win, maybe another f*cking oppressive & chaotic Trump “presidency” is what the US needs in order to finally see the truth.

Maybe some of our fellow citizens need a tower moment to truly understand.

Maybe in order to realize just how unstable our freedoms are, we need to see them crumble in the hands of the “man” some so desperately and willingly pinned their hopes to.

Maybe his true intentions need to be exposed in a way that can’t be denied or ignored.

And thus begins a revolution.


When Pluto enters a new sign, it transforms values, ideologies and structures associated with the sign it’s in, through 3 separate phases: 1) disempowerment, 2) acceptance, and 3) transformation. (concept from

  • First, it takes away our freedoms by way of others imposing their will on us. 

  • Next, we experience a sense of being out of control which leads to the realization and acceptance that the only way out is through liberation. 

  • And the last stage is when we act and move toward something greater - together.



We are setting ourselves up for disappointment if we approach the shift from Capricorn into Aquarius with an attitude of “I can’t wait for Capricorn to be over. Pluto in Aquarius will be amazing!”

To be honest I was like, “What the hell did we do to deserve this outcome? Wasn’t Pluto in Aquarius supposed to create a shift in consciousness, compassion and empathy? Why are we here AGAIN?

But no transit is inherently better than another, and Pluto in Aquarius won’t save us from necessary work or instantly grant us a higher consciousness.

And make no mistake, a Trump presidency will result in a massive collective expansion of consciousness that the compassionate nurturing of a Harris presidency just can’t compare to. Conflict and challenges always play a crucial role in any personal growth journey by pushing us outside our comfort zone and forcing us to us to adopt a new perspective. Even if you voted for it. 


From my work in the Akashic Records, I’ve come to believe the challenges we are currently facing in the world are tied to a collective lesson to raise the consciousness of a large group of people all at once.

From a spiritual perspective, crisis and regression backward is a natural part of the evolution and ascension process. 

Within the idea of two steps forward, one step back, we revisit, in order to move forward.

Astrology calls it retrograde.

At this moment in history, the Unites States is going through a f*cking spiritual retrograde and it’s time to reflect, review and reassess.

And when the time comes to "go direct", will we continue on the path of chaos and madness, or will we demand (and fight for) a new path and a new way? 

A higher collective consciousness means we stop acting as though we are separate from each other, and begin doing the work that supports the good of the whole. This incredibly important work takes time to fully integrate and transform.

The influence of Pluto is similar to the forming of a diamond. It requires a great deal of pressure, intensity and time to turn it into something extraordinary.


This is where we are, friends.

Take all the time you need to grieve and give yourself the care your heart asks for (Phase 1).

But at some point, it will be time to radically accept what is - and acknowledge that the only way out - is through action (Phase 2).

And while this also applies to our individual experiences along our collective journey, transformation is an ongoing uprising against anything that keeps us from living our most authentic and joyful lives.

So maybe it’s not about votes...

Maybe it’s about our personal empowerment. Maybe it's our call to embody years of righteous outrage and use it to push-back against those who would try to determine our value as they see it.

But YOU get to make that choice, beautiful human. Your will is free, despite who sits in the Oval Office.   

Much love to you,


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