60 Min Akashic Record Exploration
Are you currently on-track with your soul's plan? Let's explore...
Service Description
We'll look at your soul purpose and what you are meant to learn & contribute in this lifetime, and we'll look at the soul contracts, karmic debt brought over from past lives, and the karmic lessons you are meant to master in this lifetime. We will also explore the past lives that most profoundly impact your current life and experiences. An Akashic Exploration gives you the opportunity to feel seen and validated for your unique life journey. You come to more deeply understand that your abilities, experiences, inner knowing, and frustrations are based on the energetic coding within your Divine Soul Blueprint and are meant to create the experiences your soul most needs, to foster growth and spiritual evolution. The more openly you share your feelings, emotions, thoughts and vulnerabilities, the higher your unique energy frequency vibrates, and the deeper we can go into your Akashic Record. When you share what you are currently experiencing and moving through in your life, your record opens to reveal the beauty, magic and history of your soul’s journey. As I begin to read the energy of your record, I’m able to “see” how your soul blueprint is currently manifesting in your life. Akashic exploration provides clarity, guidance, and support for your current life circumstances, and for those in your field of possibility. You will be given the ability to record this reading to your local device. Health questions are not permitted. Come prepared with questions - this reading is Q&A based. Reschedules/cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. Canceled appointments will result in a credit for another service or class ONLY. No cash refunds.
Cancellation Policy
*Important! Read before scheduling! Rescheduling intuitive services must be done at least 24 hours in advance. Cancellations for intuitive services will receive credit only for another intuitive service or workshop. No cash refunds. Credits may not be used on jewelry.
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